2020 – what a year right! We think we speak for a lot of people when I say: “We look forward to 2021!”

However, 2020 was also a great year because shasaf became a reality. One can argue that we were either very crazy or extremely courageous to launch a company in the midst of a pandemic, but to our “defense” we saw a need for a “COVID-safe” product. A product that will help any company (small or big) in conducting their business, in sharing and signing documents safely and most of all in securing productivity in a remote work environment.

Efficiency in your company’s processes is important, and our goal has always been to strengthen exactly that. With shasaf and shasaf eSignature you will be digitally closer to your customers, also during a time when distance is important.

You could ask: “How can a document sharing solution further empower efficiency in my company?” shasaf is an online solution that allows you to stay in control of your data, a solution that allows you to continue conducting your business in a safer and more secure environment (than…let’s say your email) and allows you to stay in a virtual circle with your customers. We would say that is quite empowering, wouldn’t you?

We look towards 2021 with a lot of excitement and ideas. We will continue to keep our customers’ needs in our minds with every decision we make. We will continue to develop our solution and help it grow and we will most definitely continue to look for new ways to deliver the best service and support possible.

That is our promise, not only to our customers but to ourselves as well.

Last but not least we want to say a big – THANK YOU! – to all our customers for trusting us and for growing with us.

Here, here, to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Stay safe and share safe,

Your shasaf team

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